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Monday, March 29, 2010

រមណីយដ្ឋានសួនសុបិន្ត :

H. Khin, O. KangVay and me (rivampirezerofive :p) went to SounSoben resort at the weekend (maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago). These pictures were taken by NOKIA N95 (H. Khin's mobile). Since my mobile's broken, I can't take another picture because I don't have $$$ to buy a new one. It sounds very lazy and selfish when I said I was waiting $$$ from my parents to buy a new mobile :p [ :( ] .
It's located in Kandal province. After you leave a few kilometers from Phnom Penh city by the national road number 1, there is a gas station and you will see the SOUN SOBEN resort at the corner at there (It's on the right hand if you go from Phnom Penh city to Svay Rieng province), then you need to turn right and go to a small road maybe about 2 more kilometers, and finally you'll see it at the left road. If you still can't find it, just ask someone who knows it. At there, you bring youself, your family or friends or whoever to do fishing, eating (you don't need to bring your own food like going to a picnic because they have food; rice and can cook for you, so the only one thing you should do is bring you $$$ with you).

These guys are my friends. We are the best friends since we were studying in grade 10, BakTouk high school.

His name is H. Khin. He is good at almost all the subject in high school. The best I know from him is "he's very good @ math, physical, chemistry and biology... what's more are English, Khmer literature..". Haha, the last thing that I should say is he is a clever student. That's all .....

First time for me to see the real white peacock. It was very beautiful.

Hey, here they are again. KangVay is the one who wear black jean and black sweater. He is studying a lot. He chose Economics subject in the same university where I am studying Bank & Finance. His English is really good also the computer too. While he is studying hard, I'm just a lazy students who say at home doing nothing after finished my classes from the morning (Mon-Friday).

They walks and talked just two of them. I was just following them and enjoy taking photos. It is what I love to do when I go somewhere. I love taking pictures and store them on my computer. That's funny to me when I see these pictures again then it realizes me what did I do at that time.

This the lake where you can do fishing.

Thanks... I post these pictures not in a purpose of advertising. But I just want to show or tell someone that I've been to this place, and if you don't know you can go there. I like to go to difference places and specially taking a thousand of photo. Sometimes, my friends tell me that I shouldn't study in Bank & Finance. They told me to study Hotel & Tourism. Whatever I don't care, I like Bank & Finance but in my free time I go and take a hundred of picture and view them on my computer. It's my hobby not my professional.....