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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bak Touk High School :

These are the pictures from my high school when I studied from grade 7 to 12. I had lots of fun when I was studying at there, good teachers, good classmates, chatting with friends, playing football & basketball, talking crazy, heart beating when teacher called my name to do math on whiteboard. I couldn't erase those memories....
It's my sweet memory!!!

This was my class (12M1). I studied with other students around 80. It was a funny time and I won't forget it......

I just took it in another day when the Coke bus rides to our school and sells CoCacola. But I didn't buy it just went to see.

This is the place for play basketball. We used to play basketball or soccer (small ball) in here. But they are not allow to play in studying time. I mean we can play only breaking time, in the evening or no school like Sunday. U know, I lost my nice basketball when I studied here. One of the teacher took my ball and when I went to get back I just got another ball not my mine.

This building, I used to study at grade 11 and the next my grade 12 building. U can see a corner of the soccer playing field.

I don't know what it is called in English but in Khmer language we calls "Derm Srorl". I can see it since I started study in grade 7.

It's a little mess because it was day off and no one comes to clean it until the students who are studying in this building come to study.

Hey, I can see my grade 7 building in this picture.

This is one of my friend. We just finished our class and went to take our vehicles.

It was a good morning and u can see the tree's leaves are green. I took it from my grad 12 building on the second floor.

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