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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

កែវ វាសនា - ទឹកភ្នែកមានន័យសំរាប់អ្នកខូចចិត្ត (អត្ថបទចម្រៀង)

ទឹកភ្នែកអើយ ម៉្តេចឡើយអ្នកប្រឹងស្រក់ពេលនេះ
ស្របនាទីដែលចិត្តវក់វី រកកល់នឹងរលំ
វេលាស្និតមិនទុកឲ បណ្តោយក្រៀមក្រំ
ចូលចង់កេងបន្លំ បំបែកខ្ញុំនិងស្រី

សល់អ្វីទៀត សំរាប់ឲខ្ញុំគិតអាណិតស្រណោះ
បើចិត្តស្មោះ ក៏បាត់អស់លែងមានសល់អ្វី
ជំហានស្នេហ៍ បែរជាបាត់ដានលុបស្នាមអស់
រលាយខ្សោះ អស់តម្លៃ

ស្តាយ មិនទាន់អស់ស្រលាញ់ទេ
ឲចេញពីអូន បេះដូងមិនអាចបែងចែក

ហូ... ហូ... ហូ... មិនទាន់អស់ស្រលាញ់ទេ
ទុកបងឆ្កួតម្នាក់ឯង ដូចខ្លែងវង្វេងដាច់ខ្សែគ្មានទីឈរជ្រែង
លើលែង កុំទុកបងតួកំប្លែង

ទឹកភ្នែកពេលេនះ អស់តំលៃ
តែមានន័យសំរាប់ មនុស្សដែលខូចចិត្ត

សល់អ្វីទៀត សំរាប់ឲខ្ញុំគិតអាណិតស្រណោះ
បើចិត្តស្មោះ ក៏បាត់អស់លែងមានសល់អ្វី
ជំហានស្នេហ៍ បែរជាបាត់ដានលុបស្នាមអស់
រលាយខ្សោះ អស់តម្លៃ


[បទចម្រៀងេលខរៀងទី៥ នៅក្នុងផលិតកម្មសាន់ដេស៊ីឌីវ៉ុល១០៥]

Keo Veasna - Tear Worth With A Broken Heart Person

oh, my tear why u just falling down this time
while the minute of my broken heart almost stop beating
the sweetest time passed away to let the sorrow
comes up separates me and my girl

what left on me to think of
when my honesty lost to have nothing on me
the love steps lost all the tracks and erased all the sweet memories
disappear everything no more value
what's left like the worth of tears

regard that i'm not stop loving u yet
why they force me to forget u
it's really hurtful
to leave u when my heart can't cut u off
don't take me as a stranger (on you)

oh... oh... oh... not stop loving u yet
don't turn away ur love to make me sad
leave me like a crazy person like a kite has cut off from the rope no place to stand still
leave it, don't take me as a joker
the falling tears right now aren't worth nothing
but it's worth for the broken heart person

what left on me to think of
when my honesty lost to have nothing on me
the love steps lost all the tracks and erased all the sweet memories
disappear everything no more value
what's left like the worth of tears

regard that i'm not stop loving u yet
why they force me to forget u
it's really hurtful
to leave u when my heart can't cut u off
don't take me as a stranger (on you)

oh... oh... oh... not stop loving u yet
don't turn away ur love to make me sad
leave me like a crazy person like a kite has cut off from the rope no place to stand still
leave it, don't take me as a joker
the falling tears right now aren't worth nothing
but it's worth for the broken heart person

but it's worth...for... the broken heart person

[Track Nº 5 in Sunday CD Vol.105]

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